Oompa loompa romper dee doo

Sorry for that shocker of a title. Charlie and the chocolate factory was on over the weekend and I’ve had that song stuck in my head ever since.

As you may have seen here I recently unleashed the beast of a sewing machine I inherited and made some curtains (which I have now added tie backs too and look awesome) I then caught the bug and decided to make something for Chubs. I’ve got a few easy projects on my Pinterest board and as I’m a wee bit obsessed with rompers I chose a fairly simple looking tutorial from Make it & Love it. How cute is that baby girl?! So sweet.

I went to a local teeny fabric store and bought a metre of this gorgeous cotton fabric. Summery and pretty and no difficult pattern to need matching up at the seams.

Then I set about making my pattern. The first bits of newspaper I used included a rather perky set of knockers from Page 3, which I felt was a bit inappropriate for my baby girls outfit so tried again.

The tutorial is fab, it’s really simple to follow, although it did take me about 3 months to complete, but that’s just because I’m lazy. I only made the large fabric strip, not the thin bias binding, I cheated and bought some contrasting stuff for the arm holes because it was just too fiddly.

Again, it’s far from perfect, but the pattern is very forgiving and hides a multitude of sins. Its a smidge on the small side, length-wise (not surprisingly as it took so long to make it!) but I like the way it looks.

Its lovely and light and cool and I’m already planning a return trip to the fabric shop to choose some fabric for the next one!

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