8 months old

Beautiful Chubs.

I cant believe you are 8 months old already. That’s 2/3 of a year! Before I know it you’ll be all grown up. This past month I’ve been trying to be really aware of that and to cherish all the little moments we have together.

It’s been a big month for you. We’ve started Treasure Baskets at the Sure Start centre – you love picking up all the metal objects and having a good chew on them. A stretch of metal chain links has been your absolute favourite. You adore your swimming lessons and the minute we get in the water you smile and start to splash me. Even though you know being in the water means I’ll be dunking you under, it’s the happiest you are all week. Except for when we sing Humpty Dumpty. I don’t know it is about that egg but I have never seen an expression like that on your face before!

You still aren’t crawling. I keep saying “another couple of weeks and you’ll be off!” but it hasn’t happened in the last month! You are so, so close though. You are so strong and steady on your hands and knees and rock away like a crazy person, but just haven’t figured out moving your hands yet.

You are becoming a food monster. Gone are the days when I could eat a biscuit over your head and you wouldn’t even know. Now Im lucky if I get to finish anything without sharing, you have the sneaky, thieving hands of a ninja. You are definitely enjoying having teeth and are biting chunks out of everything you are given.


You are just getting over the chickenpox. My poor darling baby has been all spotty and blistered, but you handled it like a star. Maybe a bit more grumbling and you don’t like me being more than 2 feet away but on the whole you’ve been a trooper.

This month has also seen you sit out and play in the garden for the first time this year. It’s been so hot! You’ve also discovered how fun it is to constantly take your hat off when Mumma puts it on. What a monkey. You’ve also learned to shake your head if we ask you a question. I know you don’t know what it means, but it’s so funny to see!

You continue to amaze me and overwhelm me with your stubbornness, your tenacity and your ability to make me smile and my heart to swell, just by doing the smallest of things. You are my beautiful baby girl, and always will be.

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